Sunday, July 09, 2006

What is love?

My friend Ken wrote this poem for his gf who is now his ex and I thought it was really sweet. I have this thing about guy being able to write poem, can hardly find a true sentimental guy nowadays. But mainly because I'm lousy at writing poems.

Forever Love

How can I know so surely that I'll love you
No matter what the future has in store
Time is like a cave in which our torches
Show only the circumference of our minds
Love is will far more than it is passion
One chooses love the way one chooses faith
Because that is the way that heaven lies
My love for you is vaster than the ocean
More rich in loveliness than coral seas
I could not relinquish willingly my love
After 9 months of unabated love
Do I recall my former life alone?
Abysses open, no matter where I move
My love for you is now my only home
I've found my one and chosen not to move
In doing so, I gave myself a picture
More beautiful than any I might draw
More potent than the most persuasive lecture
With far more force than any rule or law

Really sweet don't you think? It got published which proved he's really good! haha...I wish I can write poem like him!

Anyway I'm going back to Aberdeen tomorrow....Dreading my days...


kEn said...

Thanks for the compliment..

Well, love definitely is a something weird.. haha

Jessica said...

your most welcome...

can't help to hate it and need it at the same time...