Saturday, March 04, 2006

edinburgh trip on 18.2.06

I never got the chance to write about my day trip to edinburgh on 18th feb. I can't believe i totally forgot about my camera, so i had to borrow my friends camera to take picture.So it took awhile before i can get my hands on the photos...hehe..the trip so good!!
Edinburgh was much colder than Aberdeen,i was shaking like mad when i got off the bus! Like Aberdeen, there is one main street that every famous and branded things are. Princess street also divides the old and new Edinburgh. The most popular landmark is this tower! Is like a starting point of the garden.

The garden is so big...i'm sure it's nicer when is spring coz when i was there, i saw the flowers stems are blooming on the slopes already!

At the other end of the garden is the Art Gallery!

On the way up to the Edinburgh castle.The background is the garden and new builts of Edinburgh city!

Tadaa!! The great Edinburgh Castle!! is not easy to climb all the way up there!! i was breathless by the time reaching the top of the the hill!!

this a cart at the whisky making shop!is near the castle!

After that we went to down the street to go to the parliament building. On the way me and Jessie took picture infront of a church! We nickname each other big 'J' for Jessie and small 'J' for me since both of us are Jessie and Jessy! haha!!

The famous new built parliament next to the Queen's Gallery!! Is so artistic! i love it but somehow it's not in the context of the city.

i even got the chance to meet up with Wennie jie jie! I haven't see her since the Taman Negara trip. Hehe!! In Malaysia cannot meet up but come all the way to Scotland can meet up! How strange~! hahaha!

After meeting up with Winnie,me and Shy Chyi went shopping!! Hehe!! so happy!! i brought so many stuff for cheap cheap!! It's the first time i go for a total knockout shopping spree since i come to UK!!

p.s: this post took me 3 days to publish because it takes forever to upload the pictures!!

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