Sunday, April 08, 2007


My previous post had gotten a few good arguments comments. So is better for me to write another post because this is gonna be very very long.

Nicko's view of guys ego is rather interesting. I never really thought guys thinks or behave different from the topic of ego and a thin line of responsibilities. Though
I don't quite get the part that a guy needs to feel smarter than his girl in order to protect her. Protecting your loves ones has nothing to do with intelligence. If is insecurities, he should talk about it with his girl. But what causes the insecurities? Sometimes there are just so many factors that could be involve but how do u know which is wrong which right? Do u think that being smarter can protect your girl? I think she need love more than wisdom. Have u ever heard than a woman always love the man more than he love her? I think that phrase is quite true. I know many girls who are willing to do anything for her man because she love him. When it come the other way round, it could be quite different. Why can't man love woman like the way a woman loves a man? Why must logic and other factors be include in their equation of love?

Responsibility, how do u categories it? In what should a man be responsible to his girl? heard of guys who control their girl too much, and also girl who complain that their guy don't care enough? Every man set a different limit or should i say extend of what should he do for his girl. Same goes for every girl who need different levels of attention. This simple form of care and attention cause many couple to have argument or even break up. Solution to this, communication. Just bloody ask each other what is too much and what is too little. As simple as that. I know i know. Easier said than done. Maybe sometimes the problem is you don't listen when your other side is talking. U think u know what's the best for her or him. I'm being very general here. Girls and guys same thing.

Why there should be a dominant gender? Isn't this the 21st century? I'm not being biased or promoting girl power or that sort. One of the anonymous comment was is nice to rely on guys. Yes i admit it is. But do the guys have to go on and on about no matter how smart or capable a girl is she need someone to rely on? It is really normal to rely on someone sometimes. Even guys do that without realising it. If u never thought that how nice would it be if someone could do something for u, than u must be lying to yourself. Every single human being rely on each other no matter the gender.

Men are from Mars and Women are Venus. Are we really that different from each other? aren't we the same species just different gender. Yes girls complain alot. We let it all out. But Do guys listen to our ranting? If u really did, is not so hard to understand us. We might blabber a lot of rubbish but read in between the line would ya? We hid meaning in those words. We find that way easier to get the message across without hurting the guy's ego. Tell me if this is wrong or right because I know most guys keep all inside them. So how do u expect us to understand your action? Girls are not mind reader,just u know...I know guys aren't as well..

So how do we solve the problem eh?


Anonymous said...

haha.. I think I'm about to post another entry. haha. So be prepared. I'm again not helping boys though it might sound like it. I'm just explaining why guys act this way. I will also defend girls if there is da point, but i think you could do it better yourself. so here goes.. haha..

Anonymous said...

Yes you said it exactly perfect. Men, mars. Women, venus. There isn't a lot difference is us. Just the different way we do things to achieve exactly the same thing. One example which you pointed out yourself. When girls in distressed, they let it all out. EVen though some might just be the act of the moment. Say whatever they can think off. So guys who takes it literaly will think that you talk too much. Maybe they should just listen & care for your feelings at the moment instead of what you said exactly. Girls feel better just by letting it go at times.(rite jess?.. haha). Most guys in distressed keep it in them so its hard for you to understand their feelings. The reason they're doing so it because they want to settle their own problem themselves. Again, the ego of men that they don't need help from anyone else. Guys feel better by being able to solve it w/o help.

Anonymous said...

Jess, you said "Do u think that being smarter can protect your girl? ". No they cant. But at least he feels he can & would try to when shits happen. Even though his dog knows he will fail, he will try because girls gave him the confidence that she trusts him 2 succeed.

Ask yourself girls. Would you like your skinny boney bloke (not slandering or accusing =p) to try to take a punch on your face from a robber, for you or would you like him to stand there & just shout "no!!!!!!" or him not doing anything because you made him feel you can protect him the same?...

Jessica said...

Wah..u really wrote a post..LOL
So u are saying that girls and guys having different ways of doing thing to achieve the same purpose.
OK..I get it then..but really some communication helps...

Don't know about the senario u gave.. I think it got to do more with trust instead of intelligence. And maybe this sound stupid but if a guy love a girl enough he would do anything he could to save her. Might need some intelligence but the question is would he endanger himself to save another? he would if he love her more than himself. So has nothing to do with intelligence. Just how much would a person do for another.

Kevin K said...

ah, another answerable question it seems...but b4 dat, a quote from nicko.

"Even though his dog knows he will fail, he will try ..."...wat does dog mean in this sentence?im kinda blur...

Sis, i think u've got the answer spot on! its TRUST! most people, girls n guys alike, do not hav enough trust in their relationship. dat, i think, would be the main problem.

lemme tell u something, guys do hav thick faced egos... not something i would proudly admit, but u see, we do care n love u girls, but we just dont know how to show it... we can buy flowers for u n u would like "ah, its so wonderful honey, i LOVE u!!!!" bla bla bla... u get the pic? but when u do the same for a guy, do understan dat a nod or an ok or even a thank you from him means the same thing. by far, i've never seen a guy say the same sentence as a girl when they receive something from their gf... hell, u might as well be gay if ur gonna sound like a girl...

i hav to admit dat we kinda find the other side of ourselves when we meet someone special. i mean, its not about intelligence, its just like completing ur other half... wat u are good in might be what he likes, and wat we are good in might be wat u like... i dont think dat i should be smarter just for for? all i.q. n no p.r. skills? nah, i'll take p.r. anyday.
just ask yourselves, everyone, don't u sometimes just sit down and admire the traits the other partner has? in the future, dat might even be the reason y u marry him/her! but hey, i dont mean a trait like cleanin the toilet or washin dishes... if guys do like those traits, then get a maid...

last but not least, sis, we do love u girls n we would do anythin for u. don't question it. if u would kill for us, so would we for u. the situation just isnt dat hectic, ... yet. it irritatingly wrong when some1 tells me i dont love her enough. i think the answer is this... ADDICTION. while guys may love girls, they do like to do other things, gamin, cookin, playin guitar, drinkin wit frens... we do like individual time out sessions once in a while, n i hope girls do the same thing too. i kinda hate girls dat says "i just want to be with you n do everythin wit u, nothin more". its a pathetic argument, cos b4 u met the guy, im pretty sure u hav some kinda hobby urself (women in the older days liked sewin, knittin, bakin n stuff like dat, but its diff now, thank god) whenever we hav time-outs to do our stuff, u always think we don't care, n u get bored urself... it works the same for guys too. try this out instead. try doin wat they do too! it might turn out to be fun n interestin! i play certain games n so does my gf. we just learn from each other n play the game together. see learns to watch anime while i learn to watch some movies dat she likes wit her. hey, i listen to metallica while my girl listens to il divo. i do hate il divo, n she fuckin hates metallica. so fuckin what? does she hav to fuckin hate me n should i fuckin hate her too? its just personal preference. learn n understan dat people have their boundaries/ persona's n do learn to respect those boundaries, n wat u'll find is dat u two hav totally nothin to argue about. give things a try, dont just assume...shit happens. =p

again, wat ur pointin out, sis, has not been solved since the dawn of men... n lets just let evolution takes it course... its kinda hard to alter every-fuckin-human being on the face of the earth, as some are fuckin stubborn...

Kevin K said...

sorry people, another long post... there really cant be any other way to explain it in words... mayb this should be an honours thesis for psychology students...haha...

Jessica said...

yo bro, really long comment...Haha..
Right since the problem is been around for like ages why can't we solve it? U know what,bro? Guys should start explaining themselves so that the girls will not misunderstand! LOL...

Nvm, I know is impossible...Haih..

Anonymous said...

There are many differences that can't be solved if you look at things & try to solve it your way instead of looking it from the other gender's point of view. Like you just did by asking guy 2 explain themselves. haha..

It would be the same as guys asking girls to cut the crap & get straight to the point instead of everytime babbling all the unrelated stories when ONE problem occurs. On top of that wanting guys 2 listen thru it. (See how infuriating it is when I try to solve girls problem using the guy's way?)

So if you want your guy to understand ur situation & do the things which pleases you (like listen through your problems & know that it makes you feel good that he listens), make sure you understand his situation & help him in his own way instead of trying to confess his problems like girls do. He's from Mars. He wont do it the Venus way. LOL!

Jessica said...

exactly and we are goin nowhere in this discussion...LOL

JO KUAH said...

I don't know about not getting anywhere with this conversation, but I will say that the guys are very enlightening. This is a subject I know I'm totally clueless about (still feeling my way through and making SO MANY mistakes), and what has been stated here would definitely help many of us other clueless women.

It's true men and women think differently, the problem is we have no idea HOW we think differently. Jess is right, TRUST is SUPER important. We have to trust that our men loves us, dispite how small the attention is.

Men do have the BIGGEST EGOES ever, and thus their pride would never allow us to help them, THEY need to help US. Women are not so different in that we also usually rarely ask for what we want, but more hide what we want in a barage of blabber.

Communication goes both ways, but I think what Jess is looking for is STRAIGHT-FORWARD communication ^_^

Miss ya gorgeous, see ya in a few months =D