Saturday, March 24, 2007

clever or dumb gf?

I was just talking to my bf the other days about how guys would like their gf to be. Alot of guys like pretty yet not so smart looking gf next to them. Guys always need the boast of ego so that they feel confidence to show off their gf. He was talking to his friends and they were talking about girls. One of the comment was would they mind if their gf/wife is a career woman. Then all fingers pointed at my bf. Apparently all of them thinks i'm a smart,career woman type. Luckily my bf is not one of those guys who mind if their gf is smarter than him. Not than i'm smarter than my bf, he's actually quite smart(seriously). It just that i appear looking smarter.

I admit i set high expectation for myself, i doubt i would be content staying at home and be a housewife.. All the education wasted on me. But also i cannot survive with the full time job stress at the same time. I'm kinda in a position which i'm doubtful of what i wanna do but that not an issue now.

I get really piss when a guy say he prefer a gf is not smarter than his or as long as she knows her place and appear to be dumb. Arghhh!!! Girls and guys has the same size of brain. Is not that some girl are smart some are dumb. The matter is whether how u use or not use your brain at all. I know all these scientist who discover that or this are MEN but it was because of the culture back then. Women are not allowed to be educated. BLurrr!!!


I can't stand a girl who also pretend to be dumb so her bf would keep her. I mean what's the point? He should love a girl as who she is and not what she pretend to be.


So go bloody find someone who will appreciate u as who u are, smart or dumb whatever it is. And as for guys... If u can't have your gf smarter than u then make yourself smarter instead of complaining that your gf is smarter than as if it is a weakness or bad point! Is not her problem, is your problem~!


Anonymous said...

Read your dramatic up and down life described in your blogs, I seriously think you're absolute DUMP!

Jessica said...

u must one of those guys i described..did i touch a nerve? LOL

Don't even know how to spell..dump...haha

Anonymous said...

thanks to u, now i don't know what kind of gf i want.
yea...very dump of you...

Anonymous said...

I totally support Jess!! Some guys just cannot take it if you try to argue..then they start saying u have personality problem la..don't want to listen la..etc..just plain lame!!

JO KUAH said...

chong: LOL you are most welcome~

wen:yea..what to do...haih..

Anonymous said...

Do you know why every head of the family is a father? Because, yes, he is a man. He needs to take responsibilities, commit to his duties, & make sure the family is doing fine under his scrutiny. Those sort of things makes a male feels happy because he has achieved something. It helps him becomes more confident doing things in the future. His ego.

It will also be a perpetual habit that guys would want to be smarter (or at least look smarter) than their gf (probably me..heehee). Why? Because it makes him feel that he has a responsibility to his gf & by being able to deal & take care of his gf. By that, he feels that he has achieved something & it makes him confident. That's why shitty guys like myself go for stipud girls, to store confidence back 2 themselves, & ultimately, ego.

Obviously their gf (probably they know it as well) can handle everything he can. But by taking care of his & his gf's matters, he feels that the girl is relying on him & the girl trusts him.

Go find a guy without ego & its no different from being single.

Anonymous said...

haha.. i feel im posting an entry myself..=p

anyway its just my two cents. too bored during lunchtime. =p

N i still love girls anyway even though they complain so much.. hahaha..

Kevin K said...

haha, sis, i think u really are tryin to get ur message out to a lotta guys out there.

lemme ask everyone one thing, arent relationships based on mutual feelings and understanding of one another? since when did ego and competition came into play instead?

personally, i like to have an intellectual gf, n by dat, i don mean a geek. just someone u could talk to and share your feelins. i also like to debate bout interesting issues wit my gf. i mean, wats wrong? had a dumb ex b4, n u cant really put logic into her perspective. the least one could do is come up wit a reasonable argument. no one needs to be right, or even wrong. its just the difference in opinion.

ok, mayb im bein naive, but hey, isnt it better to avoid arguments than hav one whilst in a relationship? i believe dat communication is very important, n i certainly wouldnt mind it if my gf is capable of something i am not.

girls, just feel comfortable when ur in a relationship. if u hav to fake it, then don do it. wats d point of tellin ppl that ur a bimbo? i see my sis as a hardworkin girl, and an impressive woman, in terms or responsibility and time managament...even at cookin. though its hard to find an all-roundin gf, a jack of all trades is somewat better compared to a monotone-slut.

lookin pretty is good. n if u hav the body to show it off, even better. its up to u how u want to show it. personally, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. someone completely oblivious to u might be beautiful in the eyes of others.

so pls, drop this argument on who's tryin to be more egoistic or who has to be the dominant gender. just learn to work together n try to understan one another. if u still cant except dat, then i feel sorry for u.

Anonymous said...

yea, i kinda agree with the dude with the extra long comment..because in my opinion, no matter how capable/intelligent/smart a girl is...and how much girls rant on about girl power, it is always nice to rely on a guy at the end of the day..though, your other readers might beg to differ..

Jessica said...

Being able to rely on a guys is not a bad thing. I was basically talking about guys who stomp on girls' intelligence to make themselves feel better.

Have u seen an uncle at the kopi shop shouting his wife for being a little messy because her child keep jumping around and she got a few strand of hairs out of place? And also stupid because she unable to keep her child quiet? Then he lose some money on betting and scold her unlucky bitch?

That's what i was talking about.

Jessica said...

hey bro,
interesting view u got there, sort of enlighten me on certain aspect. =P

hey nicko,
Everyone has ego. The question is till what extend? If u see that uncle at the kopi shop don't u think he's too much?

Anonymous said...

haha.. I don't think your post have got anything to do with the kopitiam uncle. LOL!...

It might sound like so, but I'm actually not on the guys side on this one. What I was trying to do was just to explain why certain guys do certain things that girls might not be able to understand. I'm not even trying to discuss how ego should a guy contain. That is another matter altogether.

You said there are guys who stomp on girls to make themselves feel better. That might probably caused by the insecurity of his relationship caused by him having the impression that he cant protect his girl because he's not smart enough. So by doing that he can show to his girl (although in the wrong way) that he has what it takes to take care of her.

Anonymous said...

Obviously girls must always be themselves & not act dumb in front of their guy (which in think in this discussion it's a wee bit exagerrated.)

In Kevin Kuan's discussion, it's obvious that he has the convidence towards his girl.By his girl being able to comment or even advice on some of his issues, he does not feel that the girl doen't need him or does not feel threaten because he still knows he can take care of his girl even thought she's smart & can handle things by herself. ( i hope that did not sound like an accusation.. lol)

But the problem is, not every guy is like that.

So don't compound the kopitiam uncle as a general male blunder. It's just his attitude. (which then is another matter

Kevin K said...

hi nicko,

no offense taken. dont worry. n i also dont expect all guys to be like me or any other s.o.b. out there. its hard to achieve and maintain this sorta confidence in a relationship, but i guess if u never try it, then u'll never know.

i'll let u girls in on y that fuckin uncle likes to beat up his bitch. simple. cos he cant stomp on any other guy! these are the type of assholes dat cower and they dont dare to pick on someone their own size. its common, we all have some frens like dat... when we were young, guys like to compete to see who is stronger, bla bla bla... u get the drift... ever wonder wat happened to those kinda guys??? there u go... not all pussie whimps end up like dat though, only those inferior ones. so yeah, no offense to those guys who used to get beaten up or bullied in skool k?

wat nicko said is sorta true too. but hey, even wit dat sorta responsibility, one should really learn to relax n ease off a lil wit their partner. just my opinion, n this time, no offense dude! =)

i kinda like this discussion, its been goin on for a while now man... nice one sis! a good discussion/ argument indeed! n yeah, hope u don ever get a bastard as a bf. even if u do, just gimme a call n i'll smack him in the head for u. =p

love yaz!

Jessica said...

Kor kor, don't worry if i ever a get a bastard as a bf (touch wood) I'll take care of him myself~!Muahahaha~!